Downtown Takeover Cruise and Underoath Soundcheck Party

Join us for a rocking good Downtown Takeover Cruise!

When: Saturday, November 24th from 11am-4pm

What: Get your cars together for the Downtown Takeover Cruise and Underoath Soundcheck Party! Saturday morning (11/24) Willie B will be talking to the guys from Underoath during Willie B's Garage Show from 10-11am. After the show Spencer and Aaron from the band will cruise one of Willie's Rides over to Elitches to check out all of your rides in the parking lot for the Downtown Takeover Cruise.

Around 1pm the Cruisers will roll out to takeover the streets of Denver, but that's not all. 50 of you will be allowed to break off the route and go see the Underoath Soundcheck at the Ogden at 2pm. (First come, First serve basis)

So shine up the rides and let's take them out for the last big cruise of 2018!

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